About US

One Humanity Foundation promotes equality, unity, and compassion for all individuals the world.


LAMAR FOUNDATION is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in need around the world. With a mission to promote unity, equality, and compassion, the foundation has been working tirelessly to provide essential services and support to individuals and communities facing significant challenges. Through their various initiatives, the Lamar Foundation aims to address poverty, hunger, lack of education, and healthcare disparities, among other pressing issues that hinder the wellbeing of vulnerable populations.

One key area of focus for the foundation is ensuring access to quality education for underprivileged children. They believe that education is a fundamental right that should be accessible to all, regardless of their socioeconomic background. We empower children to break the cycle of poverty and create a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Additionally, LAMAR FOUNDATION  actively participates in disaster relief efforts. We understand the immediate and long-term effects of natural disasters on affected communities, and are committed to providing emergency assistance and long-term support to rebuild and reconstruct. By providing food, clean water, shelter, and medical aid, the foundation helps communities recover and rebuild their lives in the aftermath of catastrophic events.

Furthermore, the foundation recognizes the importance of healthcare accessibility in improving overall wellbeing and quality of life. In underserved areas, by support of you, we  are trying our best to raise funds (DONATION) to work to establish medical clinics and provide essential healthcare services to individuals who would otherwise lack access to medical care. From preventative measures to critical treatments, the foundation seeks to ensure that everyone, regardless of their economic status, has the opportunity to receive necessary medical attention and live healthy lives.

By your Funds  (Donation) in addition to their direct impact on individuals and communities, Lamar Foundation also aims to promote awareness and advocate for positive change on a global scale. Through campaigns, events, and partnerships with like-minded organizations, they strive to raise awareness about social issues and promote a more inclusive and empathetic society. We believe that by creating a united front and working together, we can address the root causes of inequality and injustice, and build a world where everyone has equal opportunities and rights.

As a charity, LAMAR FOUNDATION relies heavily on donations and support from individuals and companies who share their vision. Contributions can be made in various forms, including financial donations, volunteering, sponsorships, and partnerships. By joining hands with the foundation, individuals can play an active role in making a difference and positively impacting the lives of those in need.

Overall, LAMAR FOUNDATION serves as a beacon of hope and compassion, relentlessly working towards a world where every individual is treated with dignity and has the opportunity to thrive. Through their dedication, innovation, and unwavering commitment, the foundation continues to make a lasting impact and inspire others to join the movement for positive change.

Lamar foundation
Lamar foundation

Our Mission

Our mission to promote equality, compassion, and unity among all people. We strive to create positive change and provide support to those in need, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Our values

Our values at LAMAR FOUNDATION charity encompass compassion, integrity, collaboration, innovation, accountability, empowerment, equality, and a commitment to creating positive change for all.

Our Vision

Our vision at LAMAR FOUNDATION is a world where every individual is treated with dignity and has equal opportunities to thrive and live a fulfilling life.